Vertical & Overhead Repairs

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GALVA COAT is a self curing, inorganic zinc based primer, designed to be used on concrete reinforcing steel. This product protects galvanically and prevents steel from corroding. Especially effective for protection in high chloride environments. Galva Coat may be topcoated with E.M.P. Chemithane Epoxy or one component E.M.P. Steeloid for superior chemical corrosion protection.

INJECT-A-POXY is a two component, moisture insensitive, 100% solids epoxy resin designed for various injection and sealing needs. Inject-a-proxy is a high modulus epoxy, with a super low viscosity formulation, thus making it an excellent crack injection epoxy resin. This product can be used in all vertical and overhead applications. Excellent for thin cracks in parking structures, bridge decks, marine structures, retaining walls, etc.

VERTI-POXY is a three component epoxy based system, designed for vertical and overhead repairs to concrete, metal, wood and some plastics. Specially formulated to produce a “non-sag” formula. Verti-poxy has excellent chemical and abrasion resistance. It can be used to patch or resurface dry or damp surfaces. This is an ideal material for high strength concrete and masonry surfaces. Use on all concrete subjected to chemical attack, sewer manholes, concrete tanks, secondary containment, beams/columns, marine applications and wall repairs.

SHOTGUN 100 is a microsilica modified, one component, cementitious mortar. Formulated for wet or dry mix shotcrete applications requiring only the addition of water. This material is a mixture of specially processed cement, together with carefully dried and grated aggregates. Shotgun 100 should be emptied directly into the hopper of the shotcreting machine. The mixed material can then be sprayed normally in thicknesses of up to 4” in one pass on vertical and overhead surfaces. Designed for exterior and interior use. Excellent for parking decks, bridge decks, pier and dock supports, gunite projects, etc. Freeze/thaw and sulfate resistant.

VERTIPATCH is a polymer modified, cementitious mixture for vertical and overhead concrete and masonry surface repairs. It sets rapidly to allow quick, easy repairs to concrete surfaces, both inside and outside. Vertipatch is a two component mortar designed for trowel applied repairs. Repairs vertical and overhead scaled, spalled and damaged surfaces, resurfaces concrete, repair honeycombed surfaces, etc. Available in a kit form containing surfaces, etc. available in a kit form containing 1 gallon E.M.P. Mason Bond and 40 lbs of Vertipatch.

MIX N’ PATCH is a one part cementitious based vertical and overhead patching and repairing compound. Mix with water and apply. Rapid setting. Repair spalled and damaged surfaces, resurface and patch concrete walls and ceilings, repair honeycomb surfaces on walls, pavements, curbs, manholes, etc.

SLO-PATCH is a one component, polymer modified, cementitious compound for vertical and overhead repairs. This product is primarily used when an extended working time is required. Slo-Patch can be applied up to 4” thick and has an excellent resistance to freeze/thaw cycle. Interior and exterior use, Slo-Patch can be used to repair spalled and damaged surfaces, resurface and patch concrete walls and ceilings, repair honeycomb surfaces on walls, pavements, curbs, manholes, etc. Curing agent is recommended.

SHOTGUN 200 is microsilica modified with glass fibers, for high strength and durable wet or dry shotcrete mortar application. Identical to Shotgun 100 but used where high strength applications are necessary. Shotgun 200 should be emptied directly into the hopper of the shotcreting machine. The mixed material can then be sprayed normally in thicknesses of up to 4” in one pass on vertical and overhead surfaces. Designed for exterior and interior use. Excellent for parking decks, bridge decks, pier and dock supports, gunite projects, tunnels, etc. Freeze/thaw and sulfate resistant.